The Future of Big Data

Data is a collection of facts and statistics used for reference or analysis. Businesses are collecting, measuring, reporting, and analyzing data to further understand clients, products, skills, and customers.

Big data is the analysis of large sets of data that reveal certain patterns, trends, and associations related to human behaviour and business interactions. In today’s world, information is continuously being collected, which is why big data analytics has come to the forefront of the IT industry.

Glassdoor, one of Canada’s fastest growing job recruiting sites, released a 2017 report distinguishing the 50 hottest jobs. It identified the overall job score for Data Analysts as 4.8 out of 5, with a job satisfaction score of 4.4 out of 5 and an average base salary of $110,000.

Why is big data so popular in the job market? Because dig data will always be needed in the technological world we live in.


The Evolving World of Big Data


According to Bernard Marr in his article “17 Predictions about the Future of Big Data Everyone Should Read,” big data has taken over the business world. Data is continually growing and developing, and it will never stop. New information will always come into existence. Here are some of the main predictions formulated by industry experts that Marr believes every big data analyst should keep in mind.


  1. New devices with AI technology are expected to make more appearances in the future, including robots, self-driving vehicles, virtual assistants, and smart advisers.
  2. The job market for big data is expected to grow even more, and there will not be enough people to fill all the positions that companies need to fill. Some companies will have to look inward and train existing personnel on big data analytics to fill those spaces.
  3. Another reaction to the shortage of data analysts will be an increase in the use of cognitive computing, which allows computerized models to mimic how humans think and react to information.
  4. New and more intuitive analyst tools will appear on the market, and some of those tools will allow non-analysts to access data. Furthermore, experts believe that programs that can allow users to use data to make decisions in real time will ultimately come out on top.
  5. Simultaneously, more companies may look to buy algorithms rather than attempt to program them. Expect algorithm markets to grow.
  6. Privacy is and will continue to be a huge issue facing big data. The public should expect to see more ethics violations related to data.
  7. More companies will try to use big data to drive up revenue.
  8. More companies will sell not just data but also ready-for-use insights.
  9. Big data, due to its sheer volume, can become too cumbersome. Many businesses have no utility for all of the data that they collect. One day, “fast data” and “actionable data” with specific utilities may replace big data.

The Future of Big Data

Imagine if there was a computer that had the ability to tweak the social and economic constructs of our society; a computer like that could ultimately evolve and mould society to its liking.

The theory about this omnipotent computer is called the Universal Graph.

In mathematics, a universal graph is an infinite graph that contains every finite graph as a subgraph. In simpler terms, it is a graph or network in which a single piece of information can be connected with other bits of information until all finite information pieces are integrated into one single graph. You can think of the Universal Graph like a computer that contains all the information in the world — a “supercomputer” of sorts.

Not only does the theory for a Universal Graph exist, the required technology already exists in the disconnected forms of big data for large companies like Netflix, Google, Facebook, and others.

The Universal Graph is designed to take the information that all these entities possess and put it together in a computational alternate reality of our world. This alternate reality is then subject to formulas that are able to determine large-scale patterns all over the world. It is similar to how big data companies collect and analyze data now but on a universal scale.

The Universal Graph

So, what exactly will this supercomputer include? The possibilities are endless.

A Universal Graph could technically contain information about anything and everything from an animal’s set of genes, a particle, a book, a company, and even an entire person. The Universal Graph interlocks these data points with the rest of the data. For example, the Universal Graph could implement the information from a textbook into a specific gene and splice that gene into a human being who would then carry a gene that allows them to know everything within the contents of the aforementioned textbook.

A Universal Graph may sound like a fantastical science fiction concept, it can become a possibility in the near future.


Right now, big corporations are already collecting data about you as an individual. They know your date of birth, college or high school transcripts, shopping habits, social media posts, and even the things you eat.


It’s an Information World


The world is getting closer and more connected as technology continues to advance, which may or may not be a good thing. What is known is that big data is here to stay, and something like the Universal Graph might have seemed far-fetched 20 years ago has now become a very plausible concept we may soon see. Nothing is for certain about the future. The technological world that we live in is full of surprises. Let’s wait and see what the future of big data has in store.

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